Michael Devine
-Hand painted bespoke Textile Designer-Hand painted dinnerware
-Home Accessory designer
-Interior designer
-Entertainer Extraordinaire

The next day I was invited to their country home for lunch. This pavilion had a tented interior fabric, Michael's of course. Great cooks the luncheon was beautifully presented and delicious. I felt like a princess. Michael "poo poos" that, to me however it remains a magical day in my memories.
-Rome born, world renown interior Designer
-House Beautiful's, A List Masterclass
-Renown Entertainer
-Product Developer
-Textile Designer
- Home and Fashion Designer
Isn't she gorgeous! Living in Chicago, she seemed so friendly and approachable
From MICHAEL .......
- Set the table & elsewhere with a single color flower en masse
-Never allow guests to clean unless it's an "All Participate" party
-Never try a new recipe
-Vintage Damask napkins are plentiful and inexpensive. Dye them a fun color
-January is a great month to entertain
-Ignore the trend of placing napkins under plates, dangerous!
-Make certain your place settings are correct, often magazines are incorrect, for instance the teaspoon only comes out with the coffee service
-Host a garden party
-Feed all the senses
-Creates a play list starting slow & building. Favorites include Rap, Earth Wind & Fire, and Ella Fitzgerald.....always unexpected
-Never sets a buffet, not in her Italian heritage
-Loves to provide gifts at her place settings, Books and Salt Cellars are favorites
-Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday parties are ideal, no one stays too long
-At desert, every man moves 3 seats to the right to mix up the conversations
-The best parties have a mix of people; the graffiti artist next to the banker.......
-Play a game, placing questions in a bowl that passes around the table. Examples include; how did you meet your significant other, tell us about your first kiss.......
-Host parties frequently, even pizza, wine & candlelight makes for a great time
-Edits her rooms seasonally. Removes all accessories, and ads back a select few and seasonal favorites.
Alessandra's party hosted at a private Chicago Club. See the figures? She always adds a touch of whimsy!
Nantucket Basket by Wedgewood
Vienne by Baccarat
Tahiti by Buccellati
Of course.......
Other thoughts in their conversations........
*Try a Progressive Dinner, each house representing a different country (love this!)
*As a guest, know when to leave
*If hosting a large party, and instead of a buffet, set up tables thru-out the house, even the master bedroom. (I went to such a party once and was seated in the Master, it was interesting & intimate.)
*Place cards are always appreciated by your guests
Speaking of which is this enchanting company........every seating at the event had a packet of place cards. I fell in love, yes, again, and contacted this small family business to see if they would like to participate in this post.

Being a small family based business myself, I discovered that 'Mr P's' was likewise. Meet Karen Suen-Cooper and Martin Cooper. Graduates of the Parsons School of Design they each entered the world of design via Burberry & luxury brand Kieselstein-Cord, now residing in NYC
Seeking respite in their Hudson River Valley 1790's farmhouse, where they love to entertain in their black-lacquer dining room.
They co-founded Mr. P's to facilitate the "goodness of gathering-joy" derived from the shared ritual of the meal.
What better way to make your guests center stage than to make a place for every name?Karen and Martin invented the illustrated place card with a curio image becoming the theatre of the dining table and sparking conversation. The option of digital calligraphy on the back completes the set.
I invite you to enjoy their website Mr. P's place cards.
View the many options and come back to comment on your favorite. Randomly one person will receive a set of your choice.
Place an order and receive a 10% discount with the code WELCOME 2018
ps.....those lovely little stands are available too!
Enjoy the entertaining season!