December 28, 2012

 It's looming...... large
How do you feel about New Years Eve? Sad for the passing of another year or thrilled at what lies beyond? I am both.
Time marches on and I think of those who went before us every time I hear 'Auld Lang Syne'. Being a romantic for history and having a respect for tradition I was wondering about the origins as I prepare to host a New Years Eve celebration this year. Then I came across a post from a friend, Brion Judge of 'Bastion and Lark'
Nothing I could write would be as sumptuous as Brian's. Brimming with tales of Scotland, the origins of Auld Lang Syne, the wind torn views of the Highlands and bagpipes, need there be more? Oh yes, one more next post will be a "visit" to Scotland and their hauntingly beautiful country houses, via a newly published book, for one of you to take home. Until then treat your senses........

As I close, I wish to extend a profound thank you to the readers of this blog for visiting, my friends at home and friends made here, my treasured clients and my family (well, make that my Mother). Wishing everyone blessings of joy, peace and harmony in the new year!
With gratitude,

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