October 9, 2015


Our tour is complete and we were blessed with a fun group of women who joined Sylvia and I, plus spectacular weather. Bit by bit I would love to share elements of our journey, the flea markets, our cooking course, and those gardens! 
But first........

Window shopping, Parisian style, from the phrase "faire du lèche-vitrines" 
(literally, "window-licking")
Parisian shop windows are an art form unto themselves. They take great care in presenting beautiful windows and packaging. Unfortunately most photo's are unclear from the glass glare
See the white chicken wire clouds? How charming in a child's room?
One of the ladies attending recommended this shop, Astier de Villatte, with the ambience of 
another era. 
 Delicate white ceramics hand-crafted in charming patterns from mini demitasse to massive soup terrines. Even exclusive patterns from John Derian on their pieces.

Buly's.  Walking into the 17thc, one marvels at the counters, the tile floors, the merchandise. Welcome to Buly's, established in 1803 as an apothecary for one's skin care and fragrance. A must

I prefer the small independents. Then there are the classics
Louis Vuitton, the flagship store in the 6th.
When this small hand clutch was spied in the window several of us stopped in our tracks, jaws agape, a mini trunk in purse form.
We were on our way back from the flea, I was fully aware of how un-Louis-like I appeared......no matter, this was killer!
Security Agents vastly out-numbered sales staff
As two of us tried, in vain to open the purses, a saleswoman put on a black glove to remove it from our hands. This is for a client to see, she explained. But we cannot find anyone to assist and I would like the price please. Non, there is a long queue for assistance, add your name Madame. Can you please tell me the price. $3,450.00 she whispered, piqued. Need I say we left?

There are three Hermes shops in the city, the grandest is in the 6th.

Heavy security, ample staff, etheral

In the mode for vintage? This sliver of a shop is chock full, floor to ceiling

 Ralph never disappoints indoors and out. This classic combination of boxwood and large leafed ivy.
 The on the street floral shops are jaw dropping masterful

One's eyes are massively stimulated looking up, in windows, and looking down. Anyone know what this is? A manhole cover, you guessed that right?!
 Spied in a window, I HAD TO HAVE THIS! Stay tuned, working on getting these and all the color variations in my shop

Headed to Paris? Here is a digital shopping app, Jouir!!
 Yes.......window licking indeed!



  1. Oh Debra, how I wish I was in Paris! The chicken wire clouds were clever, but the wall in that shop, with the tree and birds...I love it. What snooty attitude LV sales lady displayed! I always feel like whispering to women with that demeanor, "you do know you are just a sales clerk, right?!" Hahaha.
    I want RL's window boxes somewhere in my yard. The tiles on the floor were to die for!
    Have a wonderful stay in England (right?) and be sure to remember all the highlights for us!

  2. It looks like an amazing trip and so wish I could have been along....love seeing all the shops and can't wait for more...happy weekend!

  3. Dear Debra, thank you for sharing so much with us and even more I hope. What a dream! I love to see the windows done so beautifully!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Artist Lee Bowers

  4. karen dearest, how i wish you were there too!! i did not notice the wall behind the clouds until you told me
    and yes, i would love to say just that to a sles clerk. fsiled to mention that i also dropped the purse.....an utterly humiliating experience!!

  5. Oh to be in Paris with your expert guidance, now that would be a dream come true! Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Looking forward to more of your adventures!!!
    xo Kathysue

  6. Oh Debra,,,one year I will make it to Paris..its on my bucket list!

  7. That vintage shop? Duly noted in my travel lists.
    I love that you were brave enough to go into LV. I would have avoided entirely. But at Hermes, ahhhhhh . . .

  8. This was a great day to visit your blog. I havé dear friend sur on a plane right as I write. They are on there way to Paris and oh How I envy their holiday trip, n'est Time for me. I love those Wire clouds, it's something I would create for a shop. Such beauty here in your post, I will visit soon.


