January 2, 2015

'GARDENS OF THE GARDEN STATE' Book Review and Give Away

Isn't January the perfect month for reading books? And it's the perfect time for me to provide reviews for five garden and interior design books I have been holding back on. If you have been with me for awhile, you will know that once I write a review I love to give the books away.
So let's begin with a garden book and dream of flowers and their garden homes in the coldest season.
Monacelli Press takes us away with Gardens of the Garden State, by Nancy Berner and Susan Lowry with stunning photographs by Gemma Ingalls.
 The most densely populated state in the nation is aptly named 'the garden state', for a reason. It's temperate climate makes it possible to grow a wide range of plants along with a series of complex topography
 The terrain ranges from glacier swept endpoints, mountains, rolling hills, coastal plains and flat basins. I would personally love for these glacier boulders to reside in my flat Illinois garden.

 The authors selected 28 private and public gardens and began an 18 month odyssey documenting the beauty found
View formal gardens of merit to wildlife gardens to a lighthouse garden near Cape May
 The diversity of interest will captivate you and take you away, to dream and plan.
 Visit the largest public Iris garden in the country
 Most intriguing to me are the peaks into private gardens and photographers Emma and Andrew Ingalls capture them at their best, expressing the designers particular point of view
For further reviews and a guaranteed delivery see this lovely tome HERE
Now, all you have to do to win this book is leave a comment. A random generator will chose the fortunate recipient.
Not commented before? I have had many tell me they do not know how or they feel comments are only for fellow bloggers, not true! Go to the horizontal gray box under "You also might like" displaying images of 3 older posts and hit on comment to reply.

Good luck!


  1. But is it for overseas readers too or only the states?

  2. Maybe I can deliver when I next come over and get to meet YOU!

  3. Debra this looks like the perfect book to brighten these wintry days!
    The Arts by Karena

  4. As a (former) NJ girl, I'd love to have this book! Most people don't believe how beautiful NJ is.

  5. Thank you for the opportunity Miss Debra! Thoroughly enjoy your blog and love to study all things garden this time of year in anticipation of spring! The book is delightful, as are you!

  6. What a lovely blog. And such a great giveaway. I've only recently discover it and enjoy visiting from time to time. Peggy from PA

  7. This would be the book to get me started on additions to my garden, The book looks lovely and informative-thank you for the chance.

  8. What a gorgeous book! I must add it to my list!

  9. I'm one of those who could never comment from my iPad. Let's see if it works this time...

  10. Lovely pictures and a good way to get into the Spring gardening mood.

  11. Hi, I would love to read h Gardens of the Garden State, by Nancy Berner and Susan Lowry as my winter inspiration...thanks so very much.

  12. I would love to win this lovely book of beautiful garden photographs...from my favorite garden designer!

  13. Jersey is one of the most underrated states. Once you get off the turnpike there is the haunting Pine Barrens in the south to the wildly beautiful Delaware Water Gap just an hour from The City . Can't wait to see this book!
    Thank you for such a consistently inspiring blog! !

  14. I have a friend who lives in New Jersey and is an avid gardener. I know this is a book she would enjoy and would use for inspiration.
    Best, Victoria

  15. Debra--Imagine my shock when I moved from NJ, The Garden State, to AZ - the desert! It's been 42 years and I still miss the flowering dogwoods, cherry, and apple trees; azaleas, rhododendrons, forsythia and so much more! I would love to have this particular book. Thank you for the opportunity!

  16. We live in New England and have family in NJ so we visit the state frequently. Most people have no idea how beautiful the state is and this book showcases some of its beauty.


  17. A garden book is only as good as it's pictures and these look Fabulous!

  18. For once, a book I don't have. Inspiration was sorely needed after just shoveling the driveway. Thanks.
    Sharon W.

  19. I've always been intrigued with New Jersey's label of the garden state. This book looks like it makes a case for the name. The book looks like a true inspirational work. Ready to get my gardening gloves on.

  20. Sitting here in Chicagoland with a winter weather advisory, this book is perfect for getting through the cold, grey January days.

  21. What a beautiful book. I'd love to be able to read it, and to add it to my gardening library.

  22. Beautiful pictures full of inspiration! In the meantime, this book would look lovely on my coffee table to help me get through the winter! :)
    Debra, thanks again for another uplifting, beautiful blog!

  23. I really love the last picture of the statue surrounded by white flowers. I have been thinking of a focal point like this for my garden for some time. Thanks for your informative blog.
    Trudi R.

  24. Oh my gosh, talk about "garden envy!" I live in Phoenix, AZ !

  25. oh my ... this is the perfect book! I live here in Geneva but born and raised in upstate New Jersey. Reading your blog post brings back beautiful memories of my home state!

  26. I have always been drawn to landscapes and their seasonal changes. Thank you for sharing the book.

  27. This book would be so lovely to read! :)

  28. I just found your blog and LOVE it. Thank you for sharing these lovely gardens of NJ, my home state.

  29. This book takes me back to my home state, the very beautiful state, of New Jersey. Thanks for sharing it.

  30. This book looks wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win it! As a former flat lander to a Georgia hills girl, there are lots of ideas I would love to try.

  31. Debra,
    This appears to be a book sure to inspire, especially as we all face winter gardens right now (even here in Southern California!).
    What a wonderful giveaway.

  32. What wonderful photographs of gorgeous gardens! I've been poring over my nursery catalogs, wishing away this gray winter!

  33. What a gorgeous book! I would love this. Thanks and God bless!

  34. Gorgeous! I love to garden but since we downsized my garden is really a postage stamp limited to container gardening. But I'm inspired to do something great in pots after looking at these beautiful pages...
