August 21, 2014

Woofs, Wamps and Kisses......

Lucky are those with a loving home and doting family
With an abundance of hugs, kind words, warm beds, plentiful food and an array of toys...and a bed would be nice too, please
Far too many are abandoned, tossed aside and in need of rescue. This is where we can come together and help

This local organization, H.E.L.P. is the beneficiary. Over the years, two of our cats came from H.E.L.P., an organization that rescues and places pets in foster homes for loving care until they are adopted, for as long as it takes. All medical care, food and housing is provided by volunteers and donations. 
Nearby? Come and enjoy the fun!! This Saturday August 23rd from 10:00 until 5pm, is our first 
Dog Days of Summer event
                                                   A portion of all sales will be donated
Our uber talented artist, Sandra Mehl will be here drawing.....commissions are available

Renown dog photographer Nancy Villwock will be there taking portraits in the garden or in her imaginative vignettes within the shop
Yes, this too!
Dog art

Toys and treats
Monogramed collars.
A toile gift bag donated by the generous 'Harry Barker' Company
A 'WOOF' dog bed donated by Annie Selkie of Dash and Albert
Had to share......a 'WAMP' coming soon from Dash and Albert
Come in costume, prizes for each entrant. All pooches welcome. Actually, dogs are always welcome in the shop
Most of all, knowing that you helped, means the world to many

We hope you can join us and Cooper, ready to sell kisses. 
Photograph by Nancy Villwock


  1. Absolutely prescious! Especially the kissing booth!!

  2. Debra,
    This is such a great post to start a Friday morning with! Irvine (my fair city) has a program that is similar and both of our dogs were rescued. Pets enrich our souls and our lives and it makes me happy to know there are organizations such as H.E.L.P. I've said it before, I wish I lived in your 'neck of the woods' so I could attend this event.
    Good luck to all concerned for a successful party.

  3. Hi Debra - these photos are tugging at my heart. I wish I was close enough to have been able to attend. Such a great cause for all. Pets add so much to our lives and I'm missing my own very much, at the moment.

    I hope you've been having a terrific summer!


  4. What a wonderful event I bet cooper will be in dog heaven!! Kudos to you for supporting it Deborah! That Anne Selke bedvis pretty darn cute!!

  5. What a great post and way to grab the attention of the audience! You have my admirations!
    Chiswick carpet cleaners

  6. Great post! I am looking to a adopt another dog. Rescues are the sweetest!

  7. I am so sorry to have missed this post, my beautiful friend! This Summer has been so unpredictable and filled with more than a little sadness.
    We have been busy with rescue transports, however. That is the one thing I do for myself. The last transport was a record! FIFTEEN dogs and cats in my little Toyota Matrix from Kankakee to Grayslake! I LOVED that day.
    Bless you for just being you.


