June 22, 2014

Coveting.......by nature

Twice a year our premiere faux floral manufacturer based in San Francisco, treats myself and others to a free trip, and lodging to their warehouse in the city to buy, without the crowds of market........pinch me now!
When business is complete it is off to my favorite spot in the city, Flora Grubb's Gardens. Instantly I am inspired and seriously covetous, what beauty and possibilities in such a mild clime, in the artistic hands of Flora Grubbs

Her vignettes are imaginative
Yes, that is the interior of the car above, profuse and alive
Need a new deck? Bring in an old truck, viola, raised deck! (see the chairs?)
Succulents abound

In vertical gardens
And creatively disbursed everywhere
What we can learn from these plantings is TEXTURE. Flowers are far and few but the container plantings excite. The use of varying colored and diverse foliage makes for all season impact

This is a great example of varying textures, and it works beautifully

Air plants are abundant and imaginatively displayed. Like an important sculpture those above had me immediately
Plant protector turned private hiding spot by cutting an entry hole and wrapping in rope to soften the cut edge
The staff indulges me as I snap away and linger for hours.  Thank you Flora, you never disappoint!



  1. Debra,
    What a fun spot. I've never heard of it but you can bet I'll be visiting on one of our semi-frequent trips north very soon. I'm now thinking of changing my name! :-) I mean Flora, what could be better, especially for her chosen profession.
    I hope you found some wonderful faux flowers and such for your shop.
    Happy summer!

  2. What a great place. The air plants on pedestals are genius!

  3. Love this amazing spot with a surprise around every corner and in every nook and cranny!! So much variety!

    The Arts by Karena

  4. Thanks for sharing this fabulous find! Very cool displays and vignettes!! And I can see you filling those urns, containers and pots with your awesome plant arrangements. Happy summer, Debra. xo

  5. This is in my own backyard and I have never been! Where is it.

  6. Hi Debra - This looks amazing. I'm going to San Francisco soon and will see if I can make a trip to Flora Grub. Thanks for the inspiration!

